“What can I say about Nicole ?

When she was still “starting out “ as a coach she would make the trip over by ferry to our isolated little Gulf Island to coach a passle of horse crazy kids all weekend. Nicole was more than a coach , she was, and still is, a dear friend who has the innate ability to bring out the very best in each of her students . Her knowledge and consistent good nature shot her to “hero” status with the kids . So often we would hear, “But Nicole says…”

Her humour kept it all fun, her infectious laugh was irresistible, her patience never wore thin and that is saying a lot if you knew these kids. Nicole is the “Mary Poppins” of horse coaches, the things she could pull out of her bag of tricks!

Nicole has the admirable ability to shoot straight through to the core of any problem and come up with a workable solution. Her empathy and compassion extends from her huge heart to both student and horse.

What can I say about Nicole as a coach ? Not enough.”

— Seonaid Renwick


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